i am yousef

Web Dev


App Dev








Data Visualisation


Public Speaking




Web Dev - App Dev - Analytics - UI/UX - Sales - Data Visualisation - Public Speaking - Negotiations -

What have i been up to?

I’ve been busy since completing my Computer Science BSCE with my own tech projects, social initiatives and anything creative.

I aim to keep myself busy in order to maintain the knowledge, skills and technical abilities I’ve accumulated from my experience working in Start-Ups and Non-Profits, as well as from my degree.

Personal Projects


Python | Artificial Intelligence | MedTech

This personal project was my introduction to AI. The goal was to produce a piece of software that could reduce the workload for GPs and the NHS by having individuals enter their symptoms, diagnose them with a scale of confidence ranging from 0 to 100, and provide recommendations for treatments. If the user cannot take or do specific treatments it will provide alternatives or even advise them to see a real doctor.

AIDad (Click Here To Watch Video)

Python | Artificial Intelligence | Computer Vision

AiDad came about as a joke between some friends where we wondered if we could simulate a hyper critical south Asian father who would criticise what you’re currently doing in the moment. The plan was to use computer vision to provide information to the AI and prompt a response to what it can see. I tested it on my sisters and created a fun little video out of it.


Python | Natural Language Processing | Data Analytics

I was having issues with the fact that the electrical prices within the UK were just a bit crazy, I put into a little bit of a rabbit hole and decided to start a project that will forecast the price, demand and load for electricity within the UK. This project included me finding data, cleaning it, using it to train the model and running the solution to get a forecast.

Where I’ve worked


Flimpi is an AR start-up focused on providing new gamified experiences for loyalty and engagement with brands. They use geospatial technologies linked with other cutting edge techniques in order to provide a next level experience.


A non-profit organisation focused on providing free workshops to boost mental health and wellbeing for individuals in deprived areas of the UK. We-Ignites most successful workshops are “The Mens Group” and “Tai Chi with Master Ali”